I Once Saw a Beautiful Woman in Paris ...

Tonight I was going through some family photos of a few of our trips last year.

Yes, we suck at posting our photos to the blog.

Yes, I know we will regret it as the memories slowly fade away under the unrelenting pressure of modern "go-go-go" life.

But that's not what I'm talking about. I was looking at some photos. Boring stuff like old buildings and kids (classic Europe, sheesh). As I was wandering through the pictures, I found one that I snapped of a gorgeous woman I saw in Paris while we were riding the sight-seeing bus. I didn't want to be rude, but when she looked up I covertly took her picture. Creepy, I know.

I never had the nerve to switch seats and ask her name.

I'm kicking myself now. I wonder where she is and what she's doing right now?