We are SO ready to come home!

Perhaps it's because many of our friends have been on summer vacation for a few weeks already, and Jess, due to the miracles of modern technology, gets to see  friend's photos of their summer fun piped directly into her phone 24/7 (thanks Facebook mobile app), or the fact that we have been in Spain 6 full months since our last visit home, or the fact that in Madrid the sun doesn't set until 9:50 (and it doesn't get dark until 10:30-ish) so it definitely doesn't feel like school should be in session.

Whatever the reason, we are 110% ready to come back for the summer! There are so many things wrong with the U.S. that it's impossible to keep count. But of all the countries I've seen, it's by far the best game in town and we miss it (at least for us; it's a pretty subjective measurement and I'm sure 95% of the world's population would disagree :) ).

Personally, I'm in a negative Spain mode which is not really like me. I try hard to enjoy life (although I don't always succeed) wherever I happen to be, because I don't think there is such a thing as a happy life. There are only present moments and we can choose to be happy or unhappy, and the choice is ours. So why not be happy despite circumstances and situations? :)

But enough of that. For now, all five of us can use a little "family refresh" time. I can't wait!

For the Iowa crew, I'll see you on July 3rd.