Spanish Driver's License
We have been living in Spain for more than 2 years. We have been driving daily. Illegally. Most of you know I am not good at breaking rules, let alone laws. So driving illegally has caused me a lot of stress and worry. Seems silly, just go and get my license right?! I wish it were that easy. :)
To get your license in Spain you need to first take a driving class. 20 hours sitting in a classroom learning the rules, signs, how a car works and how to drive. It is exciting. Then you must take a medical exam, submit 3 pictures and then you can apply to take the theory test. The theory test consists of 30 questions, out of a 1500 question bank. You can miss 3 to pass. Once you succeed at the test, you need to take a minimum of 5 hours of driving lessons and then finally take the driving practical test. Most Americans we know forgo this crazy process and just driving illegally, hoping they can talk their way out of getting their car impounded if they are pulled over.
Mitchell is entitled to a company car here in Spain, however they won't give it to us until one of us has our Spanish driver's license. We have been renting a car for over 2 years now, but with the addition of Priscilla we now need a 6-7 seat car. They aren't nearly as common here as they are in the US. So, I told Mitchell I would go through this crazy process and try to get my license before we travel to China.
I have spent every waking moment of the last 2 weeks with my nose in the driving books studying and taking practice tests. Last Friday, I went and took the theory exam. I left thinking I had completely failed, even though I knew the majority of the book and could answer every question I had seen before right. On the random test I took, I had 6 questions I didn't know and some I had never even seen. I was definitely frustrated and was already preparing to have to take it again. Thankfully though, Monday afternoon I found out that I passed!!! Thank goodness!! Next I will have driving lessons and then in the middle of November I can sit for my practical (first available date!).
I am definitely ready for this "fun" adventure to be over!! :)
Some of the sample questions. It was very similar to the questions in China...just memorize. However, in China they gave us all the possible questions and the choices were always the same. In Spain, they try to trick you and switch the possible wrong answers and may reword the right answer. What fun! :)