Our house is for sale...

On October 10 we placed our house on the market in Colorado.  We have been very fortunate to have had wonderful renters in our house for the last 5 years, but we also knew that some day we would need to sell our house.  The market in Colorado is currently insanely better than it was when we moved to China in 2010.  Mitchell's office closed in Boulder while we were in Beijing and we will soon be adding another child since we lived in that house.  We love our house in Summit View, but we are realistic and know that there is a good chance we will never move back to Colorado.  Closing this chapter on our life is incredibly hard.  We love Colorado.  We have many wonderful friends in Colorado.  We could move back and have an easy transition.  But, our kids deserve to know what it is like to live near family and we have promised everyone that we would be back to Iowa soon.  So, in order to make that dream a reality we have to let go of our house in Frederick. 

Doug recommended a fantastic agent, with KellerWilliams in Longmont, and with both of them on our side, we aren't as nervous doing this from another country. :)  Mitchell and I have been praying for this leap of faith and have been asking God to bring in a family who would fall in love with our house.  After only 10 days on the market we received a full price offer!!!  We are feeling so immensely blessed, as time and time again God shows us that He is in control and we do not have to fear!!  Absolutely amazing!!