Great day
Ok, so yesterday I told you that I had fantastic totally tops it. Truman went to bed last night at 11pm (long story) and didn't wake up again until 815am!!! He has NEVER slept that long before, it was incredible. It didn't seem to effect him much, he woke up just as happy as he does every other day. But what an accomplishment!! I am sure it was a complete fluke, but for now I am one proud mama! :)
Here is a link of a video I uploaded to flickr. I promise you Truman will make you smile even on your worst day!!
I spent the entire day at home cleaning, organizing and designing Henry's bedroom. It was awesome. I can't believe how wonderful it felt to do laundry and clean. It was almost normal or at least what I think normal used to be. :) We are slowly starting to make this house our home and it feels really good to start to get into a routine.
Tonight we got a babysitter, thank you Lukas!!, for Henry and Adeline and went to back to school night at ISB. We were thinking low key; run in, run out, say hi to the teacher and go home. Not even close. :) It was a 3.5 hr event full of fantastic information about the upcoming year. We were already thinking the school was absolutely phenomenal and now we are even more impressed. I am so glad that Henry and Addi have the chance to go to this school, what an opportunity. I know, most of you have been telling me this for months...I guess it finally sunk in. :)
Alright all, I am going to call it a day. Can't wait to hear all of your comments on the video. :)
Thing I miss the most - hanging out in Iowa watching the news with my parents at the end of the day.
Weird thing about China - ok so not totally about China, but...I am totally addicted to coffee. Not Starbucks, but yes I could still drink it daily, but out of the coffee pot coffee. I know its crazy, I didn't think I would ever be grown up enough for that! :)
Thing I like about China - How friendly and willing to help other expat families are. Everyone wants to help if you are just willing to ask. It is seriously amazing!