I'm Legal

Finally. I'm a legal driver in China. I no longer need to shotgun while Jess drives or risk being jailed for 15 days for driving without a license. I crammed for several days prior to the test and Jess helped a lot with her tips and tricks of how to remember the crazy Chinese translations. In the end, I got 93% which is good enough to pass (Jess got 98%). I can already feel some of the knowledge flooding out of me post-test. The advice I was given was to study hard for the test so I memorize the questions, then forget about it all since no one follows the driving rules anyway. The key to driving in Beijing is to drive like everyone else.

During the test I was having visions of the 80s movie License to Drive, where Les Anderson is sitting at the DMV in front of the computer taking the written test. There were several questions that I had no idea about and I had mentally prepared myself to not get the required 90% to pass. There are 100 questions in 45 minutes. The study book has over 1300 questions. I had the study book but I found it inconvenient so I mainly relied on the China Drive iPhone app. While preparing for the test, it occurred to me just how long it's been since I've had to take an actual test for anything. I'm pretty sure I haven't done that since Iowa State.